continence assessment

Nurses with specialist experience in neurogenic continence can assess, advise and make recommendations for ongoing care.

We understand the challenges that individuals with spinal cord injuries or disabilities face, especially concerning nerve-related bladder and bowel control.

Our spinal nurse advisors consult with the utmost empathy and care to ensure your comfort and well-being.

Benefits of a continence assessment

  • Enhanced comfort
    Tailored strategies to promote comfort and minimise discomfort
  • Improved quality of life
    Recommendations on the latest solutions for managing neurogenic incontinence
  • Independence
    Gain confidence about leaving home and being active in the community
  • Preventive care
    Our nurses advise on preventative measures that can help prevent complications and enhance long-term health.

Navigate daily life with confidence

We understand the importance of dignity and comfort.

Our experienced spinal nurse advisors will guide you with products and aids to best suit your specific needs.

Send an enquiry about our continence service

To learn more about accessing a continence assessment, send an enquiry below.

Send an enquiry

Frequently asked questions

A continence assessment may be part of your NDIS plan if you are experiencing neurogenic bowel or bladder disorder following a spinal cord injury.

A spinal nurse advisor will ask detailed questions about your bladder and bowel function. Your nurse may refer you to other specialist services to help support your continence management, such as a doctor or urologist.

The duration of a continence assessment varies based on individual circumstances. Generally, it can take anywhere from one to a few hours, allowing for thorough discussions, examinations, and the development of a customised management plan.

A spinal nurse advisor specialising in neurogenic continence assessment will conduct a continence assessment in person or via telehealth.

Your spinal nurse advisor will have a compassionate approach to understanding your needs and goals.